Standard bookable services
This is by no means a full list of the services I can assist with but these are a few of the most popular- please get in touch for something more tailor made
Assisted Shopping
Accompanied shopping from door to store- maximum 2 service users to ensure maximum safety. Transport in an estate car- trolleys or walkers can be brought and I can help with your shopping trip around the store or merely supervise and carry the bags!
Minimu 1 hour and up to 15 miles- £19.50
Accompanied appointments
Accompaniment to Dr/Hospital/Optician/Podiatrist (or any service provider)- one to one service to maintain confidentiality. Support and advocacy and being on hand to capture any important details and document any follow ups. Transport in an estate car- walkers can be brought
Minimum 1 hour and up to 15 miles- £19.50
Befriending calls or home visits
Scheduled befriending call- a friendly voice at the end of the phone just having a general chat and checking in with you.
Scheduled befriending visit- an agreed time where I come to call on you, stop for a cuppa and a chat or make you a light meal and keep you company.
Minimum 1 hour visit- £19.50
20 minute phone call (plus follow up summary if necessary) £8.50. Weekly or fortnightly call package prices available- please enquire
Admin/ paperwork support
Help with utilities paperwork, shopping around for better Insurance etc
Assistance in completing benefit applications such as Attendance allowance, blue badge application or bus pass renewals.
Home visit- minimum 1 hour £19.50 (some follow up work may be necessary but can be arranged and billed accordingly)